We believe that God is the Creator of all things visible and invisible and that He is one God represented in the three-person Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s one and only Son and our one and only Savior who, after being conceived by God’s Holy Spirit, was born both fully human and fully God. Jesus lived a perfect life and was executed according to God’s plan for removing the barrier of humanity’s sins and renewing our relationship with God. After being buried for three days, Jesus came back to life and returned to heaven where He now awaits His Father’s instruction to return to judge both the living and the dead and retrieve His Bride, the church, whom He expects to live in submissive obedience to Himself.
We believe the Holy Spirit is an active and functioning member of God’s trinity and lives in every follower of Christ, enabling us to live life as God desires, but are incapable of achieving on our own.
We believe the Bible is the inspired, written Word of God, is absolute in its authority, is complete in its revelation, and without any error in its teaching.
We believe the Church is God’s primary agent to share His love, model His life, and reconnect people far from God with Himself. Through the power of God’s Holy Spirit, the church is to be Jesus’ reflection to all people in all places at all times.
We believe the Bible teaches that although God created man perfectly, man willfully disobeyed (sinned) against God and is, therefore, lost and without hope so long as man remains distant and apart from Jesus Christ.
We believe that God loves and values every person, but due to sin every person is forever separated from God unless they have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In that relationship with God, we believe God expects our full commitment, devotion, surrender, submission, and obedience to Jesus Christ as a normal daily living function for every follower of Christ. In following God, we support and defend the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman and in the sanctity of life which begins at conception. We further defend the ideology that God created humans as either male or female and that He did not make any mistakes at the time of His creation.
We believe the Bible teaches salvation (the forgiveness of our sins) is only by God’s grace through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ and that an individual receives God’s grace by placing their faith in Christ, repenting of their sins, confessing Christ as their Lord, being immersed (baptized) into Christ and being a fully obedient, committed and devoted follower of Jesus Christ.